Πολεμικό Ναυτικό

Side by side the aircraft carrier "Charles De Gaulle" and the Greek frigate "Canaris"

Macron gives his all for the Eastern Mediterranean, as he sees Erdogan preparing for new provocations in the region. France is the only country that actively supports Greece, as the other "allies" are simply monitoring the movements of Turkey.

The "Kanaris" frigate of the Greek Navy joined the French naval force TF-473, in the sea area east of Corsica, which accompanies the French aircraft carrier "Charles De Gaulle" as part of Operation "Clemenceau 21".

During the operation, particularly demanding operational training activities will take place, which will enhance interoperability and confirm the high level of cooperation between the allied units participating in TF-473. 


The announcement of Greek General Staff

On Wednesday, February 24, 2021, the frigate (F / G) "Kanaris" joined the French Navy TF-473, in the sea area east of Corsica. The above Navy accompanies the French aircraft carrier CHARLES DE GAULLE, in the framework of the operation "CLEMENCEAU 21".

During the operation, particularly demanding operational training activities will take place, which will enhance interoperability and confirm the high level of cooperation between the allied units participating in TF-473.

In addition to the French and naval units, Greece, the USA, Belgium and Italy participate in the French operation "CLEMENCEAU 21" and will carry out collaborations with forces and other missions of the European Union, NATO and Strategic Partners, highlighting in this way the joint efforts of the participating countries to consolidate peace and stability in the wider Mediterranean region.

What is now being understood is that the French are coming with "wild" dispositions towards the Turks in the South Aegean and the Mediterranean, intending not to accept any Turkish provocation, such as that of the summer of 2020 off the coast of Libya.



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