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Will anyone ask the Greek citizens? Israel's declared plan: All Palestinians will go to other countries with the compensation of the US-EU

Israel's Information Minister Gila Gamliel is preparing the joint proposal, probably in Greece, Cyprus and Egypt, for the permanent relocation of Palestinians from Gaza, asking other countries to help pay for it.

She said the international community should promote the "voluntary resettlement" of Palestinians in Gaza to locations around the world.


"It could be a win-win solution: a victory for those Gazans seeking a better life and a victory for Israel after this devastating tragedy," she added.

Israeli Information Minister Gila Gamliel said the international community should promote "voluntary resettlement" of Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip "instead of sending money for the reconstruction" of the enclave.

According to the Israeli official, the option "to promote the voluntary resettlement of Palestinians in Gaza for humanitarian reasons involves anything outside the Gaza Strip."

The Likud party minister also criticized the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

"Instead of funneling money to rebuilding Gaza or to the failed UNRWA, the international community can help with the cost of resettlement by helping the people of Gaza build new lives in their new host countries," she continued.

She said Israel has tried many different solutions, such as withdrawing from settlements in the Gaza Strip, conflict management and building high walls, but all have failed.

"Gaza has long been seen as a problem without an answer," Gamliel wrote, adding: "It could be a win-win solution: a win for those Gazans seeking a better life and a win for Israel after this devastating tragedy."

Greece and Cyprus in the crosshairs of the Palestinian exit

In this context, if we add the expected large wave of refugees expected from Gaza, our country risks accumulating thousands of Muslim migrants, with all the risks of any Turkish intervention.   

Here in Greece, the Ministry of Immigration has not noticed that thousands of Palestinians are likely to head to Turkey and then Greece, or directly to Cyprus and Greece, exacerbating the already overloaded situation.

There was a staggering 433% increase in illegal migrant flows in September 2023 compared to last year.
Arrivals in October appear reduced but the accommodation structures are under pressure.

On the islands the Greek authorities are on alert as we have an influx of migrants and anger is overflowing from local communities.

According to the data, in mid-October, 1,024 people are staying at the Bi.AL. of Chios, which by decision of the Council of Ministers must have a maximum capacity of 1,014 people, while a total of 1,034 refugees and migrants are staying on the island. Lesvos has the largest load with about 4,600 persons, followed by Samos with 4,050 (official capacity 3,000), Kos with 3,400 (official capacity 2,140), Leros with 2,600 persons (official capacity 2,140).

The plan all along was to expel thousands of Palestinians causing serious problems in other countries?

Will anyone ask the Greek citizens?

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