Armed Conflicts
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Unconfirmed information - "Will the Ukrainian Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces be dismissed and the capital moved to Lviv"?

We report with caution unconfirmed information from a social networking site that the Russian advance in Avdiika is becoming uncontrollable for the Ukrainians, since it is already a "hole" in their defence line.

The information is coming from the Russian side, so we are skeptical.

Literally all scenarios are open on the Ukrainian side, while many in the West and East want the war in Ukraine to stop, since because of it the economy of the EU and the US is "bleeding", where we have elections in a few months with Trump sweeping the few polls.

"According to strong rumours, the Ukrainian Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, General Zaluzny, will soon be dismissed and replaced by Budanov (until now head of the secret services)."

The same information stresses that "the West realized that Kiev will not last, Europe is in a panic because of the economy, in Washington they are drawing up a new strategy, and there is a possibility that the capital of Ukraine will be changed and moved to Lviv".

"Ukraine is at a turning point. Rumours are circulating in Kiev that Kirill Budanov, head of the military intelligence service, will replace the head of Ukraine's armed forces, Valery Zaluzny.

The Russians have been advancing in the southern part of Avdiika , the Russian invasion is gaining momentum. There is no doubt that Russia will succeed. The Ukrainian Armed Forces cannot stop it.

Zelensky's position is increasingly precarious. His allies understand that Ukraine cannot resist Russian military pressure.

That is why Europe is panicking and Washington is looking for a new policy. Europe believes that if Russia wins in Ukraine, and this is likely, it will threaten it, but it is not ready. Europe has nothing to rely on.

Its security depends largely on the United States. The Europeans have invested very little in defence programmes. Worse still, many were removed from strategic military reserves and sent to Ukraine. There are serious doubts whether America can save Europe even if it wants to.

The US has an election and is changing policy.

A new US policy on Ukraine has emerged. Considering the new reality, after the possible defeat, the Kiev authorities will have to evacuate and move the capital to Lviv," the post concludes.

The scenarios for a possible attempt to end the bloodshed in Ukraine

We don't know exactly what is true in all of this, but we do know by looking at maps from many different sources that the Ukrainians are fighting desperately, while indeed in Avdiika the front has a "hole" that is growing dangerously large.

The Russians have stated from Putin to their last General that they want nothing less than the unconditional surrender of Kiev.

But we think that they want to sit the Americans at the negotiating table on the issue of Ukraine, in order to get something in return in other areas (sanctions, Russian bank funds, commodities), in order to recover their own economy.

The US will not give in to this Russian plan now, because of the elections, but they can certainly get a temporary ceasefire in Ukraine, and a secret agreement for the continuation, to make it official after the US elections.

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