Armed Conflicts
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Ukrainian counter-offensive stopped - Fierce fighting in Makarovka & Orekhov - Philo-Ukrainian Chechens prepare for Belgorod (Video)

While the Ukrainian counter-offensive on the southern front lines was recently halted by Russian counter-attacks and rainy weather, the Kiev regime has launched a new wave of attacks on the media.

The long-awaited counter-attack by the Ukrainian army has already cost the lives of up to 8,000 soldiers, not to mention the NATO military equipment that was supposed to be the key to Ukrainian victories, but which was eventually turned into scrap metal. According to Moscow's estimates, Kiev has already lost up to 30% of the equipment it recently acquired.

Meanwhile, Kiev's gains leave a lot to be desired. After the Russian army withdrew from several villages south of Velikaya Novoselka, the Ukrainian forces failed to secure their strongholds there. Fierce fighting continues in Makarovka and near Urozainoe, where the Russians are launching counterattacks, preventing Ukrainian troops from advancing further south.

Positional fighting continues in the Orekhov region, where NATO tanks are stuck in the rainy steppes.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian army starts military operations in the Kherson region, where Kiev recently destroyed the Kakhovka dam. Despite Kiev's attempts to blame Russia for the disaster, it is the Ukrainian army that is benefiting from the floods.

On the morning of 15 June, the first Ukrainian assault team attempted to cross the river near the village of Golaya Pristan.

Four boats with no fewer than 40 Ukrainian military personnel attempted an assault operation on the Russian-controlled bank of the Dnieper. As a result, the first boat 'landed' on the bottom of the Dnieper, while the other fled to the west coast.

The losses of the Ukrainian army are increasing daily, while its units have not yet achieved victories on the front lines.

In order to conceal the truth and attempt to cheat in battle, the Ukrainian army has bought hundreds of Russian uniforms in order to make fake videos and fool Russian soldiers. The Russian uniforms were specially tailored in factories in the Poltava region.

Shortly after Russian drones filmed the work of Ukrainian barrier teams, Ukrainian sources shared a fake video of a group of men in Russian military uniforms allegedly killing deserters. The staged video was widely shared on the Internet.

Up to 700 sets of Russian uniforms were reportedly taken to the Zaporozhye front, where Ukrainian fighters are expected to attack Russian checkpoints and military positions, deceiving Russian servicemen.

Kiev also reportedly created two special attack groups of Chechen fighters of the Sheikh Mansur battalion to attack the Russian border area of Belgorod. On the Russian side, drilling security was recently reinforced by Chechen Akhmat forces.

Chechen terrorists from the Ukrainian side disguised in Russian uniforms are expected to attack Russian villages again.

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