Greek-Turkish Relations
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The Turkish MARLIN unmanned vessel launched a cruise missile

The developments are running with the "neighbors" who continue their plans to strengthen their fleet of unmanned vessels, aimed at the Greek Navy.

Turkish unmanned vessel USV MARLIN test-fired KUZGUN-KY cruise-type solid-propellant missile, media reports.

It is essentially a revelation of Ankara's plans for the creation of an equipped fleet of unmanned vessels in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean against surface units.

The Turkish plan is a direct threat to the Greek Navy's main fleet, since dozens of these unmanned vessels will threaten our very expensive ships, without the human cost problem during operations.

We are talking about the corresponding part concerning the plan to create fleets of missile-equipped drones in the air.

Drones at little operational cost can deliver much bigger hits, and that's what counts.

The retired General Frankos reveals the possibilities of the new Turkish ZAHA-type landing craft against the very nearby Greek coasts

The day before yesterday we reported that the deliveries of the Turkish Armored Amphibious Assault Vehicle (ZAHA) to the Marine Brigade in Fokaia (Izmir) with the most modern amphibious vehicles have begun, with the mission of course being the Greek islands of the Eastern Aegean.

We are talking about a total of 27 vehicles, of which 23 are personnel carriers, 2 command and control vehicles and 2 rescue vehicles, which will be delivered to the Turkish Landing Brigade with the well-known "Crocodile" in Izmir, which will be the main unit their use.

The Honorable A/GES General e.a. intervened in the matter. Frankos speaking on the SKAI SIMERA show, where he revealed that these vehicles threaten our nearby coasts, with their direct shipment from the Asia Minor coast.

These are plans, which in combination with the placement of AESA-type radars on the coasts and many but aim to control the Aegean and the future hydrocarbon mining rigs.

We remind you that at the Turkish naval base of Aksaz (opposite Rhodes) upgraded works with anti-submarine projects are being implemented, while unmanned aerial vehicles (UCAV) are being moved to Dalaman.

In the same naval base, infrastructures are implemented to receive ULAQ-type unmanned surface vehicles (USVs), as well as other types for offensive operations against the Greek navy.

Ankara is working on systems that will be able to simultaneously direct Turkey's unmanned aircraft, together with armed unmanned vessels, in coordination with the Navy and Air Force, and will target the Aegean mainly but also the Mediterranean.

As we have mentioned, the Turks decided that they could not counter with anything, neither the navy nor the new acquisitions of the Greek navy, for this reason they threw it into the unmanned vessels and the "guerrilla war" in the Aegean, creating new conditions.


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