Greek-Turkish Relations
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The earthquakes in Turkey and the US plan to share the Aegean - What are the three hidden points that the Turks are asking for in an agreement?

The Turkish Foreign Minister M. Cavusoglou himself revealed three of the six points of the Turkish proposal according to the Greek press:

1. Continue exploratory contacts

2. Discussion on confidence building measures (CBM), at bilateral level.

3. Continuation of military talks within the framework of NATO.

The well-known Foreign Minister of Turkey, however, refrained from publicizing the other three disputed points, which seem to be points, with which Greece is asking Greece to possibly go back on its rights, which Athens will not accept.

In these three requests, it seems that the Turks are asking for a bilateral discussion on confidence building measures (CBM), but for issues of defense interest they want NATO.

This means that the alliance is positively disposed to many Turkish requests, at the expense of Greece, such as the scope of Greek airspace, the militarization of the islands, etc.

Many doubt the supposedly "good" intentions after sending Greek aid to Turkey, due to the earthquakes.

The opportunistic Turkish officials may have embraced the Greek mission, but this was after the attitude of the Turkish citizens who were really friendly to the Greek rescuers, who did a terribly difficult job saving people.

In the climate that was created, the Turkish political leadership suddenly saw an opportunity to "pass" its plans, (now that the US was positive towards them) with a document that mentions the infamous Six Points for dialogue with our country, as long as the climate raises it, regardless of whether it itself threatened Greece all the previous period with the most serious characterizations, at the hands of Erdogan.

 <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="el" dir="ltr">Τούρκος ΥΠΕΞ και πρέσβης στην Ελλάδα δηλώνουν σε όλους τους τόνους πως Ε-Τ έχουν πολλά θέματα που πρέπει να επιλύσουν. Διπλωματικοί κύκλοι στην Αθήνα (γιατί τόσο θολά άραγε;) δηλώνουν πως μόνη διαφορά ΑΟΖ-υφαλοκρηπίδα. Κάποιοι κοροϊδεύουν την κοινή τους γνώμη, όμως δεν ξέρω ποιοι</p>&mdash; Nikos Michailidis (@NikosMichailid4) <a href="">February 19, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

"The Turkish Foreign Minister and the ambassador to Greece state in all tones that Greece and Turkey have many issues that need to be resolved.

Diplomatic circles in Athens (why are they so vague?) state that the only difference is the EEZ-coastline. Some make fun of their public opinion, but I don't know who", says the Greek expert N.Michailidis.
At the same time, MPs and experts are talking about co-exploitation of the energy resources in the Eastern Mediterranean, while they are looking for ways to dialogue with the Turks.

The Turks' offer to start a dialogue with Greece does not necessarily have good intentions for peace with our country, since the Turks will probably talk about demilitarization of our islands as well as co-exploitation of our own deposits.

We do not think that there is any Greek government that would accept a "Prespes of the Aegean" type plan, for alleged joint cooperation in the Greek Archipelago which has both borders and boundaries.

The day before yesterday, a retired Turkish Admiral referred to the Aksaz base and plans to control the Eastern Mediterranean.

Turkish retired Admiral T. Giurdeniz, on the occasion of the earthquake in Antioch, revealed Ankara's plans for the expansion and modernization of the naval base in Aksaz, which targets the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean.

A lot has been said by many over the years about Greece-Turkey relations. But one thing is never going to change, the Turkish greed, which unfortunately many even in our country silence it with their non-thinking attitude.

Throughout time, the Turkish leadership does not seek consultation and cooperation with anyone at all, but it has plans to create a new Ottoman Empire which it follows to the letter, and any country that ignores them will find itself in a very difficult position in the future.


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