flatbed version of the Stormer
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Stormer: A pretty odd version of the armored carrier of Britain

During the end of the '80s, a flatbed version of the Stormer vehicle came to light. The prototype was called Stallion and was built to transfer equipment, cargo, systems, and other military things. The official designation was High Mobility Load Carrier (HMLC). In 1005, the UK signed a contract for 29 flatbed Stormers and the mine laying system M163 Volcano from the US. The first of these vehicles were delivered in 1999.


Although the vehicle had a powerful mine laying system, it also operated in transporting roles. It could carry cargo up to 4. 

Its hull had aluminum armor, capable of protecting the crew from small shells. 

The vehicle included a driver, a commander and had also space for one more passenger.

The only weapon of the flatbed Stormer was a 7.62mm machine gun for defense.

The vehicle features the Perkins T6 3544 diesel engine, which develops 250hp. The armored carrier isn't amphibious but has an automatic transmission system.




flatbed version of the Stormer
flatbed version of the Stormer
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