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How do a Submarine commando, a paratrooper and a sniper work? We listened to what they revealed at "Protagonistes" (Video)

The "Protagonistes" and Stavros Theodorakis spent four nights with the women and men of the Armed Forces. Among the interviews conducted by the well-known journalist were those of a member of the Submarine Disaster Team and a female parachutist of the Special Forces.

"We are in the water for 60-65 minutes"

"Usually among us we don't use the term 'frog'," said Submarine commando at first and then referred to his work. "How long we stay in the water depends on the mission and the distance we have to travel. Usually we are 60-65 minutes. The depth ranges from 1.5 meters to 7 meters operationally. The load is full, operational so that when we get to shore, we are ready to respond to whatever is required. To serve in this unit the only thing one can feel is honor and pride. It's the tip of the spear. It is the most selective unit in the Greek Army. Excellence is not something I aspire to. It comes naturally. I try to always give my best in everything I do.

"I was 16 years old when I decided to become a 'frog'. It came from war movies, from watching the parades and seeing the famous 'frogs' of the Submarine Disaster Command that you admire and want to be one of them and I think that's the dream of every man who serves in the Special Forces. I'm married and have a six-month-old baby boy. If he chooses to serve in the Hellenic Military Academy I will feel an extra sense of pride as a military man. We love the sea. We have learned to live in it," the Submarine commando stressed to Stavros Theodorakis.


The life of a lieutenant commando - paratrooper

Then the presenter of the show "Protagonistes" interviewed a woman of the Special Forces. "I am a lieutenant and I am 27 years old. Theoretically I can reach the rank of General. Practically, history will tell," she said at first and then added: "Why not a paratrooper? I had said that I will not be satisfied with what I am given and I will have to fight for something more. Why not? We are no different in every way. I finished school with 19.5! I gave it up to get into the Academy without being from a military family. No relation. No one in the family. No stimulation. I'd like to think I'll be able to put it all together in my life. The role of women has become more and more active in the Greek Army in recent years, so because many women have made it, I think I will be able to do it too.

"The rallying goal I have set is to complete as many schools as I can. For example, I would like to get the ''Rapid Response School'' done because first and foremost we are fighters. My real goal is to become an instructor for the new commandos. I've done 30 jumps. I was definitely scared the first time, but the training they give you is so comprehensive that they minimize any fear of danger, of cowardice. Being a woman is both an advantage and a disadvantage. A disadvantage because you stand out and you are always in the spotlight so you have to constantly be an example to follow. And an advantage because when they see a woman always going first, they want the rest of us to be better. I haven't felt any negative looks because I by myself treat myself as a man among men."

"We don't tell the secrets"

Then one of the best snipers in Europe also spoke to "Protagonistes". Initially Stavros Theodorakis asked him to tell a secret to receive the answer that "we don't tell secrets"! Then the sniper talked about how to make a good shot. "There is a pattern to your breathing. You can easily make a shot at 1500 meters. It always depends on the conditions. The night affects it. It can throw you at 800 to 1000 meters but it's still a long distance to do your job.

"I love my gun. I love my gun. It takes study and attention. Patience is a virtue for a sniper. In Europe we (ed: he means as Greek snipers) brought some good results in the last two years. But there is always room for improvement. Another element that a sniper must have is adaptability to everything. The target is not always what we are looking at. It can also be the information. One can be a sniper for as long as one can stand it. It's not the eyes that give you away first. Your body and your psychology will give up on you first. It takes good fitness so you will last in the field for 10-15 years."

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