
Why hate Russians?

It is well enough known that wars can lead to hatred between peoples, usually stoked by the fanatic elements in governments, such as the American Neocons and fanatic Zionists. Perhaps one of the most obvious recent examples is the racial loathing between Israelis and Palestinians, a paradox, given that Jews and Palestinians are descended from the same ancient tribes, and neither are ethnically Arab, whatever the attempts to portray Palestinians as Arabs.

Then we have the atavistic, but rather irrational, hatred of Jews generally, something that goes back at least to the Crusades, when before leaving for the Holy Land, crusaders used to go on an anti-Jewish rampage. In literature, we have Shakespeare’s negative depiction of the Jew who demanded his pound of flesh, in The Merchant of Venice; and of course Marlowe’s play The Jew of Malta. To this we can add the Pogroms in Russia, Henry Ford’s attack on the international Jew, and Winston Churchill’s reference to the Jews as ‘a world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society’.

Russia hatred is a rather different kettle of fish. Atavistic Polish dislike of Russians apart, it is Britain, and then America, that really got the anti-Russia ball rolling: in 1791, England’s bellicose Prime Minister, William Pitt the Younger, denounced Russia for its supposed ambition to dismember Turkey: Catherine the Great had wished to make her grandson the emperor of a new Byzantine empire. By now, Britain was moving into its imperial heyday and therefore beginning to behave ‘geostrategically’. Thus, by the turn of the century, but particularly after the Congress of Vienna, Russia was fast becoming Britain’s main bugbear (notwithstanding the hackneyed theme of ‘Splendid Isolation’). The ‘Great Game’ around Afghanistan is an example. Whatever latent rivalry existed with France, as it still does today, it was potential Russian influence in the Mediterranean and rising Prussian –and later German– power that helped Britain to move closer to the French. Here we can already see the seeds of Mackinder’s obsession with the Russian-German alliance, which he believed would threaten the British Empire. Britain’s concomitant support for the Ottoman Empire can be traced to this period. Then of course we have the Cold War.

But today, as I write, it is no longer simply a case of anti-Russia, but anti the Russian people themselves. Let us consider matters more closely: following the Great War, ‘every worker and peasant wanted revenge on the enemy, compensation for his suffering and never again war’, wrote the historian Golo Mann. ‘But these two desires were incompatible; one cancelled the other out’3. The main reason for the hatred was the black propaganda run by governments during the war, creating hatred between peoples. Bernay’s ‘engineering of consent’ (public relations) and the Creel Committee come to mind. When America entered the war, German culture in America was effectively erased. Hysterical crowds even stoned Dachshunds to death, because they had a German name. German soldiers were depicted as baby-killers, although this was entirely untrue. Needless to say, the wartime government- controlled mass media collaborated with the PR companies. The hatred remained after the war, helping to lead to the next one.

As Guicciardini wrote, the past sheds light on the future, things have always been the same, but return with new names and colours. So it is now with Russia-hatred. The difference is that the exploitation of religion is now also playing its atavistic but backstage and insiduous anti-Christian Orthodox rôle, as a subliminal base for the hysterical cancel culture for all things Russian. Although there is probably no plan to attack Christian Orthodoxy per se, it has been happening by default. Consider the great schism of 1054, continuing with the sacking of Christian Orthodox Constantinople by (Roman Catholic) so-called ‘crusaders’ in 1204. Fast forward to the break-up of Yugoslavia, when the Vatican was the first to recognise mainly Roman Catholic Croatia, immediately followed by that old enemy of Serbia, Germany. (The Croats had already massacred and expelled several hundred thousand (Christian Orthodox) Serbs in the world war). Then came the illegal bombing of Belgrade in 1999. Although the West would never dare admit it, it was a case of attacking Christian Orthodoxy, as well as an independent-minded pro-Moscow Milosevic.

And now the fanatics have turned against Russia itself, the strongest and largest Christian Orthodox country in the world. Let us look at a few examples, bearing in mind that the LGBTQ-led western governments fear the Christian morality of Russia, even if the stultified and propagandised masses are unaware of how they are being led to hate Russia, its culture, and, therefore, Russians themselves.

Christian Orthodox Russia is well-known for its legislation protecting children from having the LGBTQ culture shoved down their throats at school. Russia-hatred shows how religion forms part of the hidden backcloth to the West’s attempt to mould the whole world into an inclusive LGBTQ ‘liberal’ way of living. The LGBTQ ‘culture’ sits badly with morality. Although there is probably no plan to attack Christian Orthodoxy per se, it has been happening by default. Let us now list some examples of Russia-hatred.

When Russia moved into Ukraine to protect its brothers (and sisters!) of Russian blood, religion and language, some EU countries banned the public display of the letter ‘Z’, since it was a Russian military symbol. Thus an Austrian civil servant lost his job, when he humorously had the ‘Z’ symbol on his birthday cakes, and showed the photographs on social media.

More recently, the European Commission recently published the list of items that Russian tourists can and cannot bring upon their entry into the European Union. The decision to confiscate personal belongs from Russian citizens entering EU states was so absurd that it was quickly revised, but this did not make things easier. Various rules still apply. The EU Commission has confirmed that Russian nationals are banned from bringing with them many personal items when travelling to the EU. Surrealistically, this includes personal cars, smartphones, soaps and toilet paper.

The damage has been done. Apart from the above, Formula One racing has been taken away from Russia, as have various international sporting events. Worse, ballet, music and art have been affected. An example of European, in this case German, pettiness and spite is that of the mayor of Munich’s ultimatum to the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra that unless its chief conductor, Valery Gergiev, condemned the fighting in Ukraine, he would be dismissed.5 He was.

The attempt to cancel one of the world’s greatest centres of culture and attack the Russian people personally comes across as arbitrary, inane, insane, petty and spiteful, and is an example of the current intolerant LGBTQ totalitarianism posing as ‘liberalism’. At least the Russian government and people do not go in for demonising Westerners; rather, they are nonplussed. Hopefully, common sense will return before matters get completely out of hand.

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